Monday, October 26, 2015

  • What is the topic you are reading about?  Juvenile Drug Abuse
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!  "Juvenile Drug Abuse." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Juvenile's in America are abusing all types of illegal narcotics and getting addicted.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Data suggest that teens are at increased risk of drug abuse when there is a history of alcohol or drug abuse in the home.  Parents who set clear and reasonable rules and enforce them consistently, who provide appropriate supervision, and who communicate their expectations about drug use reduce the likelihood that their adolescents will abuse drugs.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.  What is the most abused drug?  Does marijuana really count?
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.  Circuitry
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)  Unrecognizable term.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.  Electric circuits collectively.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.  Have you ever done drugs?

  • What is the topic you are reading about?  Sexting
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!  "Sexting." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Teenage and child sexting nude pictures can lead to bullying, blackmail, and child pornography related criminal charges.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Sexually explicit or pornographic material involving underage people is illegal in much of the world.  Teens have been hurt due to sexual blackmail.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.  Who specifically has been hurt by sexual blackmail?  Can parents be charged if their child is sending or receiving sexts.
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.  Augment
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)  Unrecognizable term.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.  Make something greater by adding to it
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.  What's your opinion of sexting?

  • What is the topic you are reading about?  AIDS
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!  "AIDS." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  AIDS is a serious STD that does not have a sure fire cure yet.  Many believe conspiracy theories based on the disease.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  People should take tests for AIDS.  AIDS is a disease with no cure so we must be careful to avoid it.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.  How close are we to finding a cure for AIDS?  Where did AIDS originate?
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.  STD
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)  It is an unrecognizable term.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.  STD stands for sexually transmitted disease.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.  What are some ways we as teens can avoid getting AIDS

  • What is the topic you are reading about?  Drinking (Alcoholic Beverages)
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!  "Drinking (Alcoholic Beverages)." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Drinking alcohol isn't necessarily bad as people use it to have a good time.  However many people use it incorrectly as they drink and drive, resort to crime and become alcoholics.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Moderate drinking can help a person's heart.  Although moderate drinking can be beneficial, excessive drinking can be detrimental to a person's liver.  Alcohol abuse can lead to addiction. Only a drink per day should be drank.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.  Can a drink per day really benefit a person?  When is it enough alcohol?
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.  BAC
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)  It is an unrecognizable term.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.  BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Content
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.  Do you guys drink and if you do, do you know your limits?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

  • What is the topic you are reading about?  Marijuana.
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!  "Marijuana." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Marijuana has been limited for many years since the Opium Convention of 1925.  Recently however, countries and states have been easing up on the laws against possessing and smoking marijuana.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana.  California and other states are allowing medical marijuana.  The Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act was passed in 1970.  Tax recreational marijuana is getting legalized.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.  What states will be legalizing marijuana next?  If marijuana can be taxed and doesn't have negative health affects why is it illegal?
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand. Multiple Sclerosis 
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)  It is an unrecognizable term of a disease.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.  Multiple Sclerosis disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.  Why is the consumption of marijuana deemed negatively if it has so many positive affects.

Monday, September 21, 2015

What I consider interesting

The subject I most enjoy reading about is history because I get to learn all about the past of my country and countries around the world.  My favorite hobby is writing because I love making songs and expressing myself through music.  If I won the lottery I would give the money to my family and friends but not before using it to buy a mansion and a nice Mercedes SLS.  The type of volunteer activity I perfer is none because I do nothing for free.  If I ran the world I would change religion and money because those are the two main causes of war.